Reba McEntire Joins 'Elf On The Shelf' Meme Trend With Justin Bieber

Reba McEntire just jumped on the latest "Elf On The Shelf" social media meme trend and shared her masterpiece on Instagram. Celebrities photoshop a small picture of another celebrity (elf) sitting on their shoulder. The name of the celebrity (elf) they choose must rhyme with their name. Reba chose pop star Justin Bieber as her celebrity elf and captioned the picture "You've heard of #elfontheshelf, now get ready for this...@kchenoweth, I see your #LenoOnCheno and raise you a #BeibsOnReebs

Keith Urban's wife Nicole Kidman also got in on the action and shared her #ElfOnTheShelf picture with Mick Jager on her shoulder. #MickOnNick

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