Producer Geof Kisses Another Woman That's NOT His Wife

Producer Geof is in the upcoming play "It's A Wonderful Life" at Matthews Playhouse this December 13th-22nd. Geof plays the lead character, George Bailey!! This is the first time that Geof's wife of 26 years, Ashley, has joined him in a play production. No, unfortunately his wife is NOT playing his wife in the play!! You know what that means? Producer has to kiss ANOTHER woman in front of his wife. Yes, that's his "play wife" in the picture above!

Would you be OK with this? I understand trust plays a key role in this but there is no way in the world I would be OK with this (unless my husband was getting paid to play lol) It's not about not trusting my man... it's about.... those are my lips and mine only! Producer Geof's wife is wonderful and she's totally fine with it. Wanna see how it all unfolds? Get your tickets now (CLICK HERE) and go see Geof's infamous kiss.

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